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Rohan's First School Experience and Why I Chose To Be A Full Time Mom

I enrolled Rohan mid of October which was way too late because of a personal reason. My husband does not really like the idea of enrolling him by age 4 because he said that Rohan is too young to go to school. It was only after I took care of an important thing that I bothered to look for a school that can still accept him even if he was too late for the school year and enrolled him there. My only purpose then was to let him get exposed to other kids his age. I inquired a school just inside our subdivision which is a few blocks away from our house. The school Registrar advised me that he join the N2 class.

Before class started in November (after the school break), I underwent 2 sets of interviews at a multinational company. While waiting for the result I was also struggling how to manage my time since the school has informed me that Rohan will be in the afternoon class, while the work schedules of the company I was interviewed at will be 11am-8pm or 3pm-12mn. Neither of these work schedules will fit with Rohan's afternoon class of 1pm-3:45pm. So when the company called and informed me that I passed and that I will just be waiting for the Job Offer I told them of my problem and turned down the opportunity for I was the only one who can accompany Rohan at school (my Father was the one taking care of Rohan when I used to work since Rohan was 9 months old until October 2016).

November 7 came and Rohan joined the class. I was confident then that things will be okay when he joined the class. But things did not go as expected. On his first day I would hear him crying loudly and shouts: "Get out!" But it did not worry me much. But after a week and he still does the same thing, I decided to secretly put a voice recorder inside his bag to record what was going on inside and why he behaves like that. This may sound crazy or perhaps being overprotective but I really want to know what's causing him to behave like that. Found out that his teacher and the assistant don't know how to manage kids like Rohan. They would provoke him whenever he doesn't pay attention or roams around the classroom by raising a voice, instead of talking to him in a calm and firm way. Everyday for the next 9 school days it's always the same scenario. Then on the 10th day, the School Registrar texted me that she wants to talk to me. I already had an idea why she wanted to talk to me: it's Rohan's behavior in class. But one thing that caught me off guard was when she advised me not to let Rohan attend the class that day because some parents "complained" about Rohan's behavior claiming that their kids were already scared of him. As a parent, I got offended and hurt. She even advised me that I let Rohan see a Developmental Behavior Doctor so they would know how to deal with a kid like him (and this was already a RED FLAG to me with that school). When I talked to my husband about it, his reaction is just like any other protective father: insulted, hurt and was angry. So we decided to withdraw Rohan's enrollment at that school. And take note: I never insisted that they would accept him as a late enrollee. That was also the time that I decided to be a full time stay-at-home mom so I can discipline Rohan and explore ways on how to help him deal with his shortcomings.

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